lips closed in a gentle smile
tongue on the upper palate
body open, relaxed
head slightly tilted to the side

gentle, short inhale through the nose
gentle exhale through the nose
relaxed pause
inhale exhale pause

suggested duration ratio of the
inhale-exhale-pause cycle is 4:4:2

6 breaths per minute
soothes the nervous system

you can evoke an emotion
through its breathing pattern

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The artistic material is the air we all breathe. To breathe is an act of constant becoming, an exchange with the environment, an opening of the body to the world. The inner and the outer, the intimate and the collective, the personal and the political, unite in respiration. Through rhythmic body movements such as breathing we synchronize, flowing into a collective pace of breathlessness.

Increased respiratory rate eliminates carbon dioxide. CO2 regulates respiration, it causes the breathing centers to trigger the reflex to breathe. The body automatically attempts to compensate, taking even faster, shallower breaths. Hyperventilating paradoxically leaves one feeling breathless. Excessive CO2 loss leads to oxygen starvation in the tissues.
BREATHLESS CYCLE tracks various respiratory characteristics that might coexist with the sensations of breathlessness. They are depicted as a sequence in a positive feedback loop. A stimulus registered on a nasal inhale, pauses the breath. CO2 rises. Automatically the breath intensifies and quickens. The Breathing body becomes more alert, entering a state of arousal. Breath accelerates and becomes shallower. Hyperventilation occurs. The levels of CO2 in the blood drop. It feels impossible to catch one’s breath, the nose breathing switches to mouth breathing. Sighing, seaking release; an automatic response to regulate breath variability. Gasping; quick, shallow inhales through the mouth. Accelerating. Breathing with the upper chest. The body tenses up, sensations such as heart pounding can occur. The chest tightens. Clavicular breathings prevails. Anxiety. Panic. Irrepressible persistence of sighing. Breathing becomes irregular and of a small amplitude. Short, sudden inhales through a widely opened mouth. Inspiratory saccades followed by apnea; moments of breath retention. Fear. Jerky rhythm. Breathing movements become almost imperceptible, provoking convulsive efforts to breathe in air...
Observe whether any of those breathing characteristics occur in your life, identify in which situations, exploring the patterns with caution. While the breathing signals keep repeating, they become a habit - how does one break the vicious circle?

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A single breath can alter the body’s state.
Breathing is both an autonomic and a volitional function.
The Breathing Score EQUANIMITY TOOLS proposes breath patterns to intentionally regulate breathing. They aim to restore homeostasis and the feeling of safety to the breathing body. A prolonged state of heightened arousal becomes maladaptive. Slow and rhythmic breathing modifies stress responses, bringing relaxation.
At first, observe the natural respiration. Feel the sensations caused by the movements of the breath flow in the body. Explore the patterns gently, at a comfortable pace. Respect yourself.
A PHYSIOLOGICAL SIGH is a long, deepened breath. It consists of a bimodal inhalation; the first inhalation is of normal volume and the second, a shorter re-inhalation comes to deepen the first, they are followed by a long exhalation (and sometimes also a moment of retention). Breathing is done through the nose. A sigh is about twice the volume of the comfortable resting breath. This maximal expansion of the lungs prevents the progressive collapse of alveolis. It may bring relief. Variation: the long exhalation might be at first easier to perform through pursed lips, softly blowing out. To repeat two or three times.
Prolonged hyperventilation shifts the standard carbon dioxide level in the breathing centers. The homeostatic mechanisms may become accustomed to the habitually low CO2 levels. The following breath patterns increase the CO2 levels in the blood and retrain the respiratory centers, restoring the acid-base balance of the body. Breathing is done through the nose. Breathing movements engage the diaphragm, the lower ribs expand in all directions. They can be performed as many times as needed.
A gentle inhalation of a comfortable length, followed by a gentle, lengthened exhalation. Aim for the exhalation to be twice as long as the inhalation. Prolonged exhalations activate the parasympathetic ANS; responsible for relaxation and regenerative functions. Heart rate lengthens. Variation: the prolonged exhalation might be at first easier to perform through pursed lips, lengthening the outbreath as if softly blowing out.
A gentle, small inhalation followed by a gentle exhalation of an equal duration, silently counting the length. The suggested ratio is 5:5, 6 breath cycles per minute. Gentle, even inhalations and exhalations synchronize the breath and heart rate, which optimizes HRV.
A gentle, small inhalation followed by a gentle exhalation of an equal duration, and a slight pause after exhalation. Holding the breath after exhaling allows to quickly increase the carbon dioxide levels in the blood. This breath pattern should help decrease the feeling of anxiety and panic attacks.

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HARMONIA proposes an exploration of the nasal cycle. Breathing naturally oscillates between the dominant left and right nostril. The sides spontaneously change every few hours. Balanced airflow through both nostrils takes place during this change, it lasts a few minutes. One can extend this period of balance by changing and equalizing the breathing in the nostrils, looking for the state of inner harmony.
According to pranayama , the left nostril is connected to the lunar energy, referred to as “ida,” while the right nostril is associated with solar energy, known as “pingala.” These two energy channels are believed to represent the yin and yang aspects of our being, with ida representing the feminine, cooling, and calming energy, and pingala representing the masculine, heating, and energizing energy. By alternating the breath between the left and right nostrils, BREATHING SCORE HARMONIA aims to balance the flow of energy in the body. It is believed that breathing through the left nostril activates the parasympathetic nervous system, inducing a state of relaxation, calmness, and introspection. In contrast, breathing through the right nostril stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, increasing energy, focus, and outward-directed activity.

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Breathing naturally oscillates between the dominant left and right nostril. The sides spontaneously change every few hours. Breathing through the left nostril increases the activity of the right hemisphere. Breathing through the right nostril increases the activity of the left hemisphere. The nasal cycle broadens the olfactory perception. Some smells are better perceived by fast-moving air through the decongested nostril, while others are better sensed by slow-moving air through the congested nostril. Each nostril transmits a slightly different olfactory picture to the brain. The differences in airflow and the varying levels of scent molecules encountered by each nostril contribute to unique olfactory perceptions.

BREATHING SCORE OLFACTORY PICTUREs, along with the accompanying scent, was created as part of the artist’s individual exhibition
“Poświaty” at BWA Bydgoszcz in 2021

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„Breathing is a fight for space, space inside the breathing cavities and space outside amidst the breathing world, indeed a fight for strength and elemental survival.” *Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos

BREATHING SCORE QUARANTINED accompanied the online BREATHING SYMPHONY workshops that took place during the lockdown in 2020.

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reflects the floatability of the breathing body in the water. The lungs, filled with air, act like a buoy. By exhaling the air and holding the breath on empty lungs, the body is able to dive deeper.

THE BREATHING SCORE IMMERSION was created for the exhibition “You won’t stop the river” by the SISTERS OF RIVERS; artistic activist collective,
at CSW Wiewiórka in Cracow in 2020.

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was designed to facilitate the discharge of emotions and develop self-regulation skills, understood as balancing the states of arousal and inhibition. Performing the scores may provide a valuable support to everyone struggling with stress or fear, often as a result of suffering violence.

BREATHING SCORE HOMEOSTASIS was performed during BREATHING SYMPHONY workshop during Creative Sick States AIDS, HIV, CANCER exhibition at Galeria Miejska ARSENAŁ in Poznań in 2019 and at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw in 2019

full description:

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Breathing reflects the intrinsic interconnectedness of eco-systems on earth and beyond. The invisible air which we breathe everyday connects as to the prehistory of human kind and the origins of the universe. The breath of the world is shared amongst the breathers. BREATHING SCORE UNITED enhances a deeper connection with oneself and the environment.

BREATHING SCORE UNITED was written for the exhibition PANGEA UNITED curated by Joanna Sokolowska at Museum of Art in Lodz in 2019

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is inspired by the lion’s breath pranayama Performing the BREATHING SCORE RELEASING stimulates the discharge of tensions, alleviates intense emotions and reduces arousal. It relaxes the clenched jaw. Strengthens the muscles of the face and neck. Stimulates the immune functions of tonsils and lymph nodes. Clears the throat and relieves pain within it. It lowers the tension in the body and counteracts stress.

BREATHING SCORE HOMEOSTASIS was performed at IV The Prof. Jozef Swider International Festival of Music in Cieszyn in.2018


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The breath as an automatic function of the body is an act of constant becoming, an exchange with the environment, an opening of the body to the world. The inner and the outer, the intimate and the collective, the personal and the political meet in respiration. The pulsating of an individual body, entering into interaction with the pulsating of other bodies, looks for a common rhythm and the rhythm of an individual breath follows the collective pace, experiencing apnea.

The score accompanied the performance BREATHING SYMPHONY BRIGHTENING at Komuna Warszawa in 2019

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As Poland has the worst air quality in Europe, holding our breath is often the only way not to breathe in the polluted air.

The BREATHING SCORE EXHALING WASTE was composed with the intention to help detoxify the body and efficiently exhale all the waste. Perform it with respect to your body limits.
KRZAK PAPIER issue 1 | 2019 |

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“To nothing is a man so open as to air … Air is the last common property. It belongs to all people collectively.. And this last thing, which has belonged to all of us collectively, shall poison all of us collectively… “
are those words of Elias Canetti getting prophetic ?

Climate Camp in Świętne on 21.07. 2018 in Poland

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“To nothing is a man so open as to air … Air is the last common property. It belongs to all people collectively.. And this last thing, which has belonged to all of us collectively, shall poison all of us collectively… “
are those words of Elias Canetti getting prophetic ?

Climate Camp in Świętne on 21.07. 2018 in Poland

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BREATHING SCORE AT DAWN energises the body, supporting the morning wake-up call. Performed at sunrise during W Brzask no.16 at Królikarnia the sculpture department of National Museum in Warsaw | 13.08.2017

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records the respiratory adjustment while climbing Tatra Mountains. In order to oxygenate the body in a sufficient way, the speed of breath, even when resting, must increase. This additional ventilation increases the oxygen level in blood.

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BREATHING SCORE COMPOSITION I performed at the graduate show
IMMERSION at Beaux Arts de Paris, ENSBA, 2015

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BREATHING SCORE COMPOSITION II performed at the graduate show
IMMERSION at Beaux Arts de Paris, ENSBA, 2015

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