We can generate an emotion by performing specific breathing characteristics. The respiratory pattern of TENDERNESS consists of a gentle, small inhalation followed by a gentle exhalation of an equal duration, and a slight pause after exhalation. Breathing is done through the nose, while lips are closed in a gentle smile, the tongue on the upper palate. The body is relaxed, open, as if ready to approach. Breathing movements engage the diaphragm.

Breathing pattern of Tenderness is inspired by the research of neuroscientist Susana Bloch who differentiated the effector patterns of six basic emotions. TENDERNESS can be defined as an affective state associated with feelings of warmth, caregiving and empathy.

( 2 G. Santibáñez-H and S. Bloch, “A Qualitative Analysis of Emotional EffectorPatterns and their Feedback,” Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 21 (1986))

This pattern is as well one of Buteyko Method breathing reeducation exercice. Holding the breath after exhalation allows to quickly increase the carbon dioxide levels in the blood, retraining the respiratory centers, restoring the acid-base balance of the body. It may help decrease the feeling of anxiety and panic attacks.